Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1, 2011

Proof of life. In a cement river bed.
Here it is.  My first photo of the year. Probably won't be my best. In fact, I hope it's not. I hope that my best is on December 31st, 2011.  Because as I share these with you every day, I'm also hoping to share my process of growth and creativity with you. I hope to find a new angle, a new way of representing the world I see.  So may this be the least intriguing photo of this collection. . .


  1. I really like this photo ~ and your idea for a photo a day. The only thing that mars the pic for me is the power lines in the background...but that is just preference. I like the wild of nature best. This is exciting! I will be checking every day.

  2. Great idea! Can't wait to follow your creative journey my friend :)
